Sažetak | Tema ovog rada je značaj gastronomije u kreiranju turističkog proizvoda Republike Hrvatske. U radu se preko pojmova turizma, gastronomije, gastroturizma i brendiranja dolazi do važnosti brendiranja gastroturizma u Republici Hrvatskoj. Naime, u Hrvatskoj je turizam najznačajnija gospodarska grana, te je Hrvatska postala destinacija koja iz godine u godinu privlači sve više i više turista. Većini ''novih turista'' su glavne stavke odmora hedonizam, društveni život i aktivnosti. Gastroturizam je jedna od grana turizma koja turistima nudi jedinstveni doživljaj destinacije i užitka jer je gastronomija stavka koja upotpunjuje doživljaj svake turističke destinacije. Hrvatska je zemlja koja obiluje bogatstvom kvalitetnih namirnica, autohtonim proizvodima, jelima i recepturama, te se tek probija u svijetu gastrodestinacija. U radu se ističe raznolikost hrvatske gastroturističke ponude, brojna domaća jela i specijaliteti se razlikuju od podneblja do podneblja, te je Hrvatskoj teško stvoriti jedinstveni proizvod kojeg bi mogla brendirati kao prepoznatljivog za državu u cjelini.
Svakako, stvaranje brenda, odnosno u činjenju proizvoda prepoznatljivim, potrebno je strpljivo, dugoročno ulaganje. Boljim brendiranjem proizvod dolazi do mogućnostida zauzme bolji položaj na tržištu što ga dovodi do veće zarade. Kada je riječ o brendiranju turističkih destinacija, koje se odnose na kombinaciju različitih proizvoda i usluga na jednom geografskom području,ističe se važnost pridavanja posebnepažnje prilikom njihovog brendiranja. Brendiranje destinacije dovodi do prepoznatljivog imidža neke destinacije na tržištu.
Svaka destinacija, pa tako i Hrvatska ima posebnosti koje može ponuditi turistima, a svaka od tih posebnosti može utjecati na što bolje brendiranje turističke ponude. Tako Hrvatska, turistima može ponuditi dosta toga, međutim bitna stavka, koja postaje sve važnija karika u Hrvatskom turizmu je gastronomija. Hrvatska se brojnim manifestacijama i uključivanjem u projekte Europske Unije pokušava probiti kao gastroturistička destinacija, a zbog njenog bogatstva bitno je što više raditi na tome. Rad donosi kratki pregled spomenutih tema te upućuje na važnost isticanja bogatstva hrvatske gastroponude u kreiranju turističkog proizvoda Republike Hrvatske. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of thesis paper is the importance of gastronomy in creating a tourist product of the Republic of Croatia. The paper discusses the importance of gastrotourism branding in the Republic of Croatia through the concepts of tourism, gastronomy, gastrotourism and branding. In fact, tourism is the most important economic branch in Croatia, and Croatia has become a destination that attracts more and more tourists every year. For most "new tourists", the main vacation aim are hedonism, social life and activities. Gastrotourism is one of the branches of tourism that offers tourists a unique experience of destination and pleasure because gastronomy is an item that complements the experience of each tourist destination. Croatia is a country that abounds in a wealth of quality food, indigenous products, dishes and recipes, and is just breaking into the world of gastro destinations. The thesis emphasizes the diversity of Croatian gastronomic offer, many local dishes and specialties vary from climate to climate, and it is difficult for Croatia to create a unique product that could be branded as recognizable to the country as a whole. Certainly, creating a brand, that is, making the product recognizable, requires a patient, long-term investment. With better branding, the product has the opportunity to take a better position in the market, which leads to higher earnings. When it comes to branding tourist destinations, which refer to a combination of different products and services in one geographical area, the importance of paying special attention when branding them is emphasized. Destination branding leads to a recognizable image of a destination in the market. Every destination, including Croatia, has special features that it can offer to tourists, and each of these special features can influence the best possible branding of the tourist offer Thus, Croatia can offer tourists a lot, but an important item, which is becoming an increasingly important link in Croatian tourism is gastronomy. Through numerous events and involvement in European Union projects, Croatia is trying to break through as a gastro-tourist destination, and because of its wealth, it is important to work on it as much as possible. The paper provides a brief overview of the mentioned topics and points to the importance of emphasizing the richness of the Croatian gastronomic offer in creating a tourist product of the Republic of Croatia. |