Abstract | Neosporna je činjenica kako se engleski jezik danas smatra linguom francom, odnosno
jezikom globalne komunikacije i da ga govori 1,35 milijardi ljudi u svijetu, a te će brojke
najvjerojatnije i dalje rasti s obzirom da je Europska komisija među svojim strateškim
ciljevima navela da više jezika (barem dva) treba učiti odmalena. Engleski jezik postao je
osnovni jezik interneta, društvenih mreža i tehnololgije, ali i osnovni jezik turizma i
ugostiteljstva, gdje je nepoznavanje engleskog jezika velika prepreka prije svega u dobivanju
posla, a potom i napredovanja u karijeri. Hrvatska nije iznimka tog pravila. Prema statističkim
podacima, na području Dubrovnika najbrojniji turisti u 2022. godini bili su iz Ujedinjenog
Kraljevstva i SAD-a. Iz navedenih razloga cilj završnog rada bio je utvrditi stavove prema
engleskom jeziku turističkih djelatnika na području Dubrovnika, s posebnim naglaskom na
radnike velikih hotelskih grupacija. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnom online anketom
koju je ispunilo 77 ispitanika različite dobi, spola i obrazovanja. Anketa je između ostalog
ispitala koliko je teško naučiti engleski jezik, njegovu svakodvnevnu upotrebu, prednosti i
nedostatke poznavanja/nepoznavanja jezika, poteškoće u pisanju/govoru jezika, etc,. Iz
odgovora ispitanika u anketi zaključilo se da je engleski jezik neophodan, te da je on postao
opća kultura i jezik koji se mora znati. Zbog ograničenosti istraživanja na stavove prema
engleskom jeziku, u narednim istraživanjima potrebno je više isticati važnost engleskog jezika
kao i činjenicu da su zbog engleskog jezika ostali strani jezici zapostavljeni. |
Abstract (english) | It is an indisputable fact that today English is considered lingua franca, i.e. the
language of global communication and that is spoken by 1.35 billion people in the world, and
these numbers will most likely continue to grow, given that the European Commission has
stated among its strategic goals that more languages (at least two) should be learned from
chilhood. The English language has become the basic language of the Internet, social
networks and technology, but also the basic language of tourism and hospitality industry,
where not having a higher level of English language knowledge is an enormous obstacle
firstly in obtaining a job and further along the career ladder it could deter career advancement.
Croatia is no exception to that rule. According to statistical data, in the area of Dubrovnik, the
most numerous tourists in 2022 were from the United Kingdom and the USA. For the
aforementioned reasons, the aim of the undergraduate thesis was to determinate the attitudes
towards the English language of tourist workers in the Dubrovnik area, with special emphasis
on the workers of the large hotel groups. The survey was conducted with an anonymus online
survey completed by 77 respondents of different ages, genders and education. The survey
among other data, inquired how difficult is English to learn, its everyday usage, the
advantages and disadvantages of knowing/not knowing the language, the difficulties in
writing/speaking the language, and so on. From the answers given by the respondents in the
survey, the reached conclusion is that the English language is essential, it has become a
general culture and a must-know language of today. Due to the limitation of the survey to
attitudes towards the English language, the importance of English language needs to be more
highlighted in the next surveys and also the fact that because of the English language, other
foreign languages have been neglected |