Abstract | Koktel scena u svijetu doživljava renesansu od početka 2000ih, ali hrvatska barska
scena počinje doživljavati svoju renesansu tek tijekom druge polovice 2010ih godina. U ovom
radu prikazati će se nastanak svjetske koktel scene, njezini usponi i padovi, te događaji koji su
ovjekovječili koktele kao svojevrsnu kulturu kao i kokteli koji su ostali sve do danas klasici.
Kroz razgovor s Marinom Nekićem objasnit će se povijest to jest nastanak hrvatske koktel
scene, te razlog njezinoj stagnaciji do druge polovice 2010ih. Zatim će se kroz rezultate
anonimne anketi pokazati važnost engleskog jezika, njegove prednosti u ugostiteljstvu, te
jednako tako zašto je neophodan za ovo područje. U intervju sa Markom Pećnikom pričati će
se o usporedbama inozemne i domaće scene, njegovom putu u ugostiteljstvo, te njegovo
predviđanje i mišljenje o hrvatskoj koktel sceni i koja bi joj bila budućnost kako može
napredovati. Prikazati će se i koktel rječnik s obzirom da je barska terminologija relativno strana
generalnoj populaciji, objasniti će se tehnike, barski pribor; kako bi razumijevanje ovog rada
bilo jednostavnije, te moguće opcije za poboljšanje koktel scene. |
Abstract (english) | The cocktail scene in the world has been experiencing a renaissance since the beginning
of the 2000s, but the Croatian bar scene began to experience its renaissance only in the second
half of the 2010s. This paper will present the origin of the world cocktail scene, its ups and
downs, and the events that immortalized cocktails as a kind of culture, as well as cocktails that
have remained classics to this day. Through a conversation with Marin Nekić, the history, that
is, the origin of the Croatian cocktail scene, and the reason for its stagnation until the second
half of the 2010s will be explained. Then, through the results of an anonymous survey, the
importance of the English language, its advantages in the hospitality industry, and why it is
necessary for this area will be shown. In the interview with Marko Pećnik, we will talk about
comparisons between the foreign and domestic scenes, his path into the hospitality industry,
and his prediction and opinion about the Croatian cocktail scene and what its future would be,
how it can progress. A cocktail dictionary will also be presented, given that bar terminology is
relatively foreign to the general population, techniques, bar accessories will be explained; to
make the understanding of this work easier, and possible options for improving the cocktail
scene |